Preparing to launch Renjin at UseR!2013

We are pleased to announce that we will be officially launching Renjin at the User!2013 conference, which will be held July 9-13 in Albacete, Spain. Together with an official release version, we are preparing a new website with updated documentation and much more.

Renjin logo

After almost three years of development at BeDataDriven, we believe Renjin has now reached a state in which its potential can be fully utilized. With a fresh new logo and website at we're ready to push R programming in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to the next level.

Renjin has been used in production environments by ourselves and a number of other people. With this launch we hope to get more people to give Renjin a try and to give feedback. So come and see us at the conference or get in touch with us via Twitter (@bedatadriven and @mj_kallen).

Update (2013-07-05): Alex will be presenting Renjin on Thursday July 11th between 18:20 and 19:40 in the Kaleidoscope II session.

Read more at Renjin's blog or subscribe to the blog's RSS feed.

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