Renjin blog
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Integrating R and Java (2019-08-16)
How to integrate R and Java in three steps using Renjin.
RIOT 2019: The role of compilers in the Renjin Project (2019-07-18)
At RIOT 2019, Alex recapped some recent developments in the Renjin project, and gave an overview of the growing role that compilers have played in making an JVM-based R interpreter a reality.
Announcing Renjin 3.5 BETA
Join us at the RIOT workshop at UseR 2019 (2019-07-08)
Join us for a deep dive into R Implementation, Optimization and Tooling (RIOT) on Thursday, July 11th in Toulouse
OLAP Server icCube 6.5 Released with updated Renjin integration (2017-08-29)
The OLAP Server and Interactive Analytics solution icCube uses Renjin to provide access to R functions and packages from within their MDX query language.
Renjin Docker image available on Docker Hub via o2r (2017-08-28)
The o2r project has made an Dockerfile for Renjin available on DockerHub
The Processing.R project uses Renjin to enables users to write Processing sketches using the R language.
Highlights from UseR! 2017 (2017-08-01)
What we learned about R and compilers from the 2017 R user conference.
Renjin at UseR! 2017 (2017-07-20)
The Renjin team gave presentations on the new renjin package, advances in S4 support in Renjin, and the latest progress in optimizations.
There is a growing interest in combining Spark with Renjin, because Renjin and Spark are both Java-based tools. Here we highlight some these projects.
Presenting Renjin's JIT Loop Compiler at RIOT 2016 [video] (2016-07-03)
Watch a recording of Alex's presentation on Renjin's Just-in-Time Loop Compiler.
Recording of the Introduction to Renjin webinar [video] (2016-03-04)
Watch a video recording of the Introduction to Renjin webinar which took place on March 3rd.
Sign up to our first Renjin webinar (2016-02-02)
We will have our first Renjin webinar on Thursday March 3, 2016 from 17:30 to 18:15 GMT (London time). Read up on the topics and use the link to sign up.
Introducing GCC-Bridge: A C/Fortran compiler targeting the JVM (2016-01-31)
GCC-Bridge is a C/Fortran compiler targeting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that makes it possible for Renjin to run R packages that include ‘native’ C and Fortran code without sacrificing platform independence.
A critical look at the anyNA() function in R (2015-12-30)
The anyNA() function was introduced in GNU R in version 3.1.0 using what has become a fairly common approach to solving performance issues in GNU R. What is this function trying to solve and how does GNU R's solution compare with Renjin's approach to improving performance?
The new (2015-09-14)
Renjin's new offers continuous builds of CRAN packages for Renjin users, but is also part of a larger strategy to improve package management for R users running Renjin.
Alex Bertram presents Renjin at the RIOT Workshop in Prague [video] (2015-09-09)
Follow along as Alex Bertram explains some of the optimizations that have been implemented in Renjin as part of our collaboration with Hannes Mühleisen from CWI.
GenBench: real-world genomics benchmarks for R (2015-08-28)
R is a popular language in the field of bioinformatics and the Bioconductor project has become the main repository for extension packages and data formats. In this post, Ieuan describes 'GenBench', a suite of benchmarks to test the performance of GNU R and Renjin for genomics.
Renjin presented at the R Summit & Workshop in Copenhagen (2015-06-28)
BeDataDriven was invited to attend the special workshop on the R programming language taking place right before the 2015 UseR! conference in Denmark. We took the opportunity to present our research project 'R as a Query Language'.
Using the DBI package in Renjin to connect to a variety of databases (2015-06-24)
R's DBI package provides unified access to a variety of databases. This package is now ported to Renjin and uses JDBC drivers in the background to achieve a nearly identical user experience as packages such as RSQLite, RPostgreSQL, RMySQL, MonetDB.R and ROracle.
New developer documentation and other news (2014-05-29)
After a long period of silence surrounding Renjin, we are now back with a completely revised guide for Java and R developers as well as some new functionality for creating packages for Renjin.
Learning from NSF DALI 13 (2013-11-04)
The DALI workshop brought together an amazing group of scientists, language implementors, and VM-wonks in one room last week. So many great ideas!
Deep Dive: Renjin's Vector Pipeliner (2013-07-30)
Radford Neal started a great conversation with his comparison of Renjin, pqR and Riposte. I want to continue this conversation by going into a bit more depth about how Renjin's vector pipeliner works, and where we want to go with it.
We're at UseR!2013 (2013-07-11)
It's day two at the useR!2013 conference in Spain and we are seeing a lot of interest in using R for big data analytics. Most notably, we are seeing companies like Oracle and TIBCO devoting a lot of effort and resources in getting their products ready for R (or building a new closed-source R interpreter written in C++ in the case of TIBCO).
Preparing to launch Renjin at UseR!2013 (2013-06-27)
We are pleased to announce that we will be officially launching Renjin at the User!2013 conference, which will be held July 9-13 in Albacete, Spain. Together with an official release version, we are preparing a new website with updated documentation and much more.